
Intelligent power distribution in battery systems

The PDU (Power Distribution Unit) of HAWE Mattro is an intelligent power distribution system with integrated multistring battery management for battery packs and battery systems. It connects all batteries with the actuators and actively manages the batteries with its integrated battery control unit. Thus it serves as a link between the battery system and the machine system. In addition, all information on the condition of the individual batteries is aggregated and displayed as a single, large battery via the CAN bus. This significantly relieves the central machine controls.

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HAWE Tech Podcast

Le HAWE Tech Podcast est un format qui vous informe régulièrement sur les applications hydrauliques et les points forts techniques.

Aperçu des podcasts actuels
Salons et manifestations
The Battery Show Europe 18.06.2024 - 20.06.2024
iVT Expo 26.06.2024 - 27.06.2024
Karrieretag Familienunternehmen 05.07.2024 - 05.07.2024
Tous les salons
Contact presse et service presse

Astrid Vosberg

Head of Corporate Communications

Tél. : +49 89 379100-1134

Fax :

a.vosberg (at) hawe.de